
Stay connected with Konstella


Introducing Konstella — a private, secure platform that will allow us to streamline and centralize communications. Please join our private Crocker/Riverside community to stay up-to-date on classroom activities, volunteer needs, school-wide announcements, and events, and  be a part of our school directory. 

Sign up online! Then, download the app to get started.

4th R – Before/After School Care


Open 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. M-F, year-round. The 4th “R” operates during summer, winter, and spring breaks. Closed holidays and staff training days.

It is almost time to fill out Crocker 4th R’s interest form for the 2025/2026 contract year! This contract is valid from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026.

How will it work?



Please follow these tips to help the program run smoothly:

School Uniform Policy


A mandatory school uniform policy is in effect at Crocker/Riverside beginning on the first day of school. Students will be required to wear uniforms everyday except the last Friday of each month and during Spirit Days.

Please make sure your child is in school uniform before leaving for school each day. Your efforts and cooperation are greatly appreciated. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school at 916-395-4535.