Before/After School Programs

Before/After School Programs


Our supplemental programs are developed in conjunction with the Crocker/Riverside administration, staff, and our community of professionals. We also have a broad selection of after-school programs to extend the learning day. Below are highlights of some of our programs.

4th R – Before/After School Care


Open 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. M-F, year-round. The 4th “R” operates during summer, winter, and spring breaks. Closed holidays and staff training days.

It is almost time to fill out Crocker 4th R’s interest form for the 2025/2026 contract year! This contract is valid from July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026.

How will it work?

2024 - 2025


Music can be an important part of a child’s life and studies have shown that music improves a child’s intelligence, grades, behavior, social skills, and self-confidence. The Crocker/Riverside Band is a great opportunity to learn how to make music, meet new friends, and to work together as a team. 

Who: 4th-6th grade students

When: Band meets before school in the auditorium 2 to 3 days per week (detailed schedule released at Band Parent Night).

Cost:  $350/year (Scholarships and payment plans available)

Early Engineers


The Early Engineers program exposes kids to topics like velocity, momentum and bioluminescence, alongside a familiar friend, the Lego brick. That way, when they go off to Junior High and High School, they will be more comfortable and willing to raise their hand when these topics come up. Familiarity now, will lead to the confidence to engage later.

Firefly Art


The Firefly Art program teaches drawing skills with a variety of art media while also teaching children life skills. “Mistakes” are embraced as part of life, and we learn to move through those mistakes, and beyond them. We want our students to be able to draw as a secondary means of communication, to relish in the creative process, and to also learn how to design creative solutions when we make “mistakes”.

Honey Code (Beginning Coding)


HoneyCode aims to bring more computer science into our community, while teaching students the basics of coding from a young age. These practices have shown to improve cognition and critical reasoning skills across all aspects of a child’s education.

Running Club


The Crocker/Riverside Running Club is an after-school activity run by parent volunteers who want to instill a love of running and movement in our kids so they become life-long athletes. We focus on running form, pacing, and agility while making it a fun/fitness activity. The Fall Running club focuses on building distance and ending in the CIM MaraFunRun. The Spring Running club focuses on agility and form.