School Uniform Policy
A mandatory school uniform policy is in effect at Crocker/Riverside beginning on the first day of school. Students will be required to wear uniforms everyday except the last Friday of each month and during Spirit Days.
Please make sure your child is in school uniform before leaving for school each day. Your efforts and cooperation are greatly appreciated. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the school at 916-395-4535.
- Bottoms: Must be solid dark, navy blue and can include denim jeans, sweatpants, shorts, or skirts. Bagginess (more than 1 size larger), sagging, or over-sized pants are not allowed. Shorts and/or skirts must be at least fingertip length. Leggings are not acceptable as pants.
- Tops: Must be solid white, navy, or red (no logos). Crocker/Riverside Spirit Wear is also acceptable. Tank tops or undershirts are not considered uniform tops. Straps on tops must be at least 3 fingers wide. Spaghetti straps are not permitted. Tops must cover midriff when arms are raised.
- Shoes: Must have low heels; no higher than 1 inch. Flip flops or other shoes without a back strap are not permitted for safety reasons, and only close-toed shoes may be worn during P.E. Coats and shoes can be any color.
Inappropriate Dress
Students are expected to dress appropriately for school every day, including non-uniform days. The following is considered inappropriate dress:
- Baggies (baggy pants or shirts with inappropriate pictures, slogans, or logos depicting or advocating violence, hate, obscenity, or gang-related material)
- Leggings worn as pants
- Bicycle shorts, cut-offs, holes in knees or anywhere, and untailored shorts
- Bare midriffs or see-through tops, or tank tops, tube tops, or spaghetti strap tops
- Flip flop style sandals, any shoes without heel straps, backs, or open toes, high heels (1 inch or higher), stilts, clogs, cleats or spikes, wheelies and sandals
- Glitter on faces and/or make-up
- Hats/visors (in class), bandanas
In addition to the above, any clothing or jewelry considered unsafe or disruptive to the learning environment is inappropriate for school. Gang-related clothing can be cause for suspension from school. The success of the uniform policy depends on all adults enforcing the policy.
Uniform checks are made first thing in the morning. Students may be sent to the office before school begins or during recess. In most cases, we have extra uniform items for students to borrow if they are out of uniform. If students are habitually out of uniform, or we do not have a replacement in their size, we will call parents to bring different clothes. We respect that parents do not want to be called away from work, so please try to check your child’s attire before they leave in the morning.