PTO Board Descriptions

PTO Board Position Descriptions


Executive Roles


  • Facilitates monthly meetings of the PTO Board as well as the bi-annual General Meetings. Ensures agenda items are covered and meeting is conducted efficiently.
  • Serves as the primary contact for the PTO for parents/guardians, teachers, school principal and staff, and outside interested parties, such as neighbors and other PTO organizations. Responds timely to requests for information and connects requestors with the appropriate person.
  • Communicates with PTO committees to ensure their needs are met and they have the resources they require.
  • Useful skills for this role are time management, organization, facilitation, communication, leadership, listening, creativity


Vice President

  • Assists the President and carries out the duties of the President in his/her/their absence or inability to serve.
  • Coordinates provision of on-site Livescan services.



  • Keeps/tracks the receipts and expenditures of the PTO.
  • Reviews, approves, and coordinates with Treasurer to pay out funds in accordance with the bylaws and operating procedures.
  • Presents the financial statements at every meeting of the Executive Board and the PTO, and when otherwise requested. 
  • Works with the auditor/transparency officer on regular financial audits of the PTO.



  • Keeps all records of the PTO.
  • Prepares meeting agendas in consultation with the President and Board.
  • Takes and records Board meeting minutes.


Board Member Roles



  • Oversees the annual fund and related active fundraising/communication.
  • Coordinates a variety of fundraising events, such as dinners at local restaurants.
  • Useful skills for this role: Organization, creativity, willingness to reach out in the community for fundraising opportunities 



  • Maintaining the school website: updating or changing relevant information and sometimes adding new features (website development knowledge is not required). Also included is sending out any official communications via Konstella from the Principal, school office or PTO
  • Skills that would be helpful with this role: Knowledge of how Konstella works, ability to learn website skills, clear and concise communication skills, organizational skills



  • Source of expertise of PTO’s bylaws.
  • Organizes any elections including preparing the slate for the following year’s PTO.


Auditor/Transparency Officer

  • The Auditor/Transparency Officer prepares and presents audits of PTO finances twice per year to ensure the accurate recording of expenses and fundraising income. The Auditor/Transparency Officer also seeks opportunities to share information with the broader PTO community.
  • Seeks opportunities to share information with the broader PTO community.
  • Skills that would be helpful with this role: familiarity with basic spreadsheet functions, clear and concise communication skills.



  • Ensures monies paid to PTO are deposited timely and accurately.
  • Skills for this role: Organization, time management



  • Works with teachers and school staff to help plan and coordinate events and opportunities.
  • Skills for this role: creativity, willingness to reach out to school staff or teachers and parents, organization, knowledge of Konstella


Room Parent Coordinator

  • Assists teachers with recruiting room parents.
  • Communicates regularly with teachers and room parents to share information.
  • Skills for this role: organization, time management, creativity, willingness to work with teachers and parents, knowledge of Konstella


Volunteer Oversight

  • Assists with obtaining volunteers for various events/projects.
  • Oversees recognition of volunteers.
  • Skills for this role: Strong organizational skills, knowledge of Konstella, willingness to work with staff and parents