All students and adults are expected to respect each other and be courteous.
- Fighting will not be tolerated. Students will behave respectfully and appropriately at school.
- Students’ cell phones are to be turned off during the school day.
- Private property such as iPods, electronic games, various toys, etc. are to be kept at home. Items for sharing may be brought only with the permission of the teacher.
- The school is not responsible for lost or stolen property.
- Vandalism/damage of school or personal property of staff or students will not be tolerated.
- Candy, seeds, nuts, gum, etc. are not allowed at school.
- Weapons are strictly prohibited on the campus.
- Tobacco, alcohol and or drugs are strictly prohibited.
- Conduct, which may constitute sexual harassment, is strictly
prohibited and will not be tolerated,. This may include, but is
not limited to:
- Sexual advances, verbal or physical
- Sexual slurs, derogatory comments, jokes, and rumors
- Conduct that may constitute bullying is strictly prohibited
& will not be tolerated. SCUSD defines it as
unwanted, aggressive behavior intended to do harm, repeated over
time, and involves an imbalance of power. Bullying includes:
- Making threats
- Spreading rumors.
- Attacking someone physically or verbally
- Excluding someone from a group