Walk to School Day
Get ready to walk to school! This is a
day for students, their families, teachers and staff to be part
of a global event celebrating health, the environment, and social
benefits of active transportation by walking to school.
Volunteers will welcome walkers with stickers, treats for
children, and coffee for grown-ups.
If you walk to school on October 4, upon arrival, be sure to have your child write his/her name on the sneaker-shaped cut-out and paste it onto his/her class tally poster. The class with the greatest number or walkers will win the Golden Sneaker award. This prize will hang with pride in the winning classroom for the remainder of the year.
Reasons to walk to school:
- Get fit together as a family
- Improve air quality and car traffic congestion at drop-off
- Be green, use less gas, and save money
- If you must drive, consider parking slightly further away from the school to give your child an-out-of car-experience!
And don’t forget these important safety tips:
- Use sidewalks and crosswalks.
- Look both ways before crossing the street.
- Plan your route and the time it will take you to get to school.